19 de fevereiro de 2013

Technologies and our brain

Magic technology

13 de fevereiro de 2013

Learning and games... I prefer a dream than a game


Learning cannot always be a game ... Learning can be a great mental effort incompatible with games ... But ... Sometimes learning happens in dreams while sleeping (a dream seems like a real interactive game…).
Our free brain (sleep) is faster than our conscious brain (awake). Our brain reaches conclusions while we sleep, because while we are awake and aware, it seems that we do not have the courage (not dare) ... Courage to take that quantum leap ... This feeling is better than a real game!
But we can find a compromise between games (entertainment) and learning (serious). There may be a dialectic between life, learning and play ... We can relate the learning content and functioning of a game: A game that is attractive must have achievable goals, prizes (level up), etc.. Students would feel more engaged and motivated they felt that learning was processed in the same way. Throughout life we getting more information and knowledge, through everything that surrounds us, and the LIFE, EDUCATION can be seen as a GAME we playing real-time all days of our lifes...

Campbell communication - Gardner Campbell Keynote - Ecologies of Yearning


The Campbell communication was really great! All the questions of "opening education" were highlighted and discussed in a very sensitive way. Learning and teaching is not a simple process... Transform the excess of information around us in useful knowledge is difficult enterprise...
We have to be open minded to be successful with the opening education, we have to be poetic, philosophic, holistic... almost go on a metaphysic journey - "Open learning is a journey of exploration"...
Makes me remember Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa heterony):
"Sentir tudo de todas as maneiras,
Viver tudo de todos os lados,
Ser a mesma coisa de todos os modos possíveis ao mesmo tempo,
Realizar em si toda a humanidade de todos os momentos
Num só momento difuso, profuso, completo e longínquo."

“To feel everything in every way
To live everything from every side
To be the same thing every way possible at the same time,
To realize within oneself all of humanity from every moment
In a single diffused, profuse, complete and far away moment."

prepared for the technology?


WALL-E Spacewalk (Define Dancing)


E-waste is flooding the World
